Elementary STEM 3rd Grade: Backbone Engineering Author Ms. Skinner Date November 4, 2016 Third grade students worked with a lab partner to explore the difference between vertebrates...
Elementary STEM 2nd Grade: Teeny Tiny Animals Author Ms. Skinner Date November 4, 2016 So what’s the smallest animal you can think of? 2nd graders had a wonderful...
Elementary STEM 2nd Grade: Frog Creations Author Ms. Skinner Date November 4, 2016 Frogs are everywhere! Second grade are doing an awesome job learning to follow patterns...
Elementary STEM 2nd Grade: Animal Habitats Author Ms. Skinner Date November 4, 2016 Second grade are having a great time learning about animal habitats. Watch out where...
Elementary STEM 1st Grade: Egg STEM Author Ms. Skinner Date November 4, 2016 Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Try asking a first grader! The...
Chemistry, High School STEM Honors Chemistry: Energy in Solutions Author Ms. Skinner Date November 1, 2016 CHALLENGE: Design your own lab using your Pasco wireless temperature probe to find which...
Chemistry, High School STEM Chemistry: Mixture Separation Author Ms. Skinner Date November 1, 2016 CHALLENGE: Take what you’ve learned about about mixtures and pure substances and design a...
High School STEM, Hon Physics Engineering Design Challenge Honors Physics Engineering Design Challenge: Confetti Launcher Author Ms. Skinner Date November 1, 2016 CHALLENGE: To celebrate the end of a great first term, design a confetti launcher...